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Technology Choices

Although this starter kit is meant to be flexible and encourages modification, there have been some technological decisions made with an attempt to make it as sustainable as possible, while still maintaining modern development expectations.


This starter kit is built on Astro. Astro was chosen after investigating multiple static site generators, with it’s most important factors being:

  • the ability to generate a completely static website
  • while also being flexible enough to create dynamic applications
  • it’s lack of ties to any particular framework
  • great support and maintenance
  • a very well thought out developer experience


Pico.css is used as a very lightweight base CSS framework. It provides pretty base styles, is easily themable and requires no extra build step or tools.


The starlight astro integration is used for docs, because it is fully static, has made sustainable choices, and is very easy to integrate with Astro.


An RSS feed is included in this starter kit as an open, people friendly and well supported way of distributing content.